01 Mar 2024
2024-Q1 Release of the syn1588® Software Suite (v1.17)

We are happy to announce the new release of our syn1588® software suite.
Version v1.17 of the syn1588 software suite will focus on the NDIS 6.5+ Windows Driver for syn1588 PCIe Rev 2.3 NIC and future generations, major background preparations for the new syn1588 C API, Quality-of-Life and compatibility improvements.

Windows PTP - Layer 2 support

The switch to the new Windows driver structure requires additional modifications to renew layer 2 support for the syn1588® PTP Stack on Windows. The base for this support has been added in the current release and we will finalize this in the upcomming weeks.

NDIS 6.5 Windows Driver – certification pending

Based on the BETA Version of the NDIS 6.5 Driver major performance and stability improvements have been added.
The driver is now in a stage that the Windows certification can be concluded in the upcoming weeks.
This driver will also be required for the upcoming syn1588 C API (and therefore Python or C++ access to syn1588 hardware).

syn1588 C API

Work on the new API has reached a main milestone in integration of all central hardware features.
Documentation and some optional features are still in development and internal tests for the next release will focus on this API.
The current release does include these sources and utilizes a few functions for internal uses.
Source exports and the new Linux Module will also expose this API in a BETA version. This can be used for early exploration but is not stable yet.

Quality-of-life and compatibility 

  • Due to the increasing product range of our syn1588® technology, the firmware update process was streamlined to allow automatic firmware and product matching. This is currently available via a comand line based tool best accessible via the syn1588® live system.
  • The Linux driver has been further expanded to support a multitude of different older Linux distributions including support for the LTS Kernel 6.1. This and other compatibility improvements are listed in the syn1588® Release OS support.

Issue reports, workarounds and patch sets

Starting with this release we will add short reports detailing specific issues.
These reports will contain the scope of the issue, trigger and effect,
and potential workarounds.
For source code customers we will make patch sets available, based on the previous release,

to make selective updating of older code possible.

Release Notes

You can find an overview of operating system support in syn1588® Release OS support

You can find an overview of this and the latest releases in syn1588® Release Overview
You can find details for all releases in syn1588® Software Suite Release Notes
You can find a roadmap for the future of the syn1588® Software Suite in syn1588® Release Roadmap

You can find a detailed description of the new logger in syn1588® Upcoming Changes

Issue Reports and Solutions

  • IREP-2024-02-28-01, related to a potential problem that can occur due to high network load
  • IREP-2024-02-28-02, related to potential re-use of old transmit timestamps in rare cases with non-syn1588 hardware


Oregano Systems

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