10 Jun 2022
2022-Q1 Release of the syn1588® Software Suite (v1.15)

We are happy to announce the new release of our syn1588® software suite.
Version v1.15 focuses mainly on stability improvements and optimizations.


Finalized New Logger

The new PTP logger has been introduced with v1.14 and is a complete re-work of the existing logging class. The new default implementation utilizes the libfmt library v8.0.1 which provides a rich feature-set for formatting log output and is part of the C++ Standard 2020.

With this new logger a connection (“log sink”) to common OS loggers has been added.
The Event Logger for Windows OS and syslog for Linux OS.


In this release the log output levels have been re-evaluated as described in syn1588® Upcoming Changes and now provide a cleaner and more concise output to the user.


Windows driver: Beta version of the new NDIS 6.3+ driver

To prepare for the new Windows infrastructure for native PTP support, we have been working on an updated windows driver based on NDIS 6.3.
In the long run, this driver will replace the current NDIS 5.x driver for Windows 10 (Server 2016) and newer systems.
For this release we will provide the new driver as beta version for early exploration. Final tests and certification will commence until the next release.

Quality-of-life Improvements
  • The syn1588® Linux module is now available as rpm package for easier installation and maintenance in SUSE based Linux systems

  • Up-to-date code guidelines (GCC and CLang) have been enforced and improve the overall code quality

Release Notes

You can find an overview of operating system support in syn1588® Release OS support

You can find an overview of this and the latest releases in syn1588® Release Overview
You can find details for all releases in syn1588® Software Suite Release Notes
You can find a roadmap for the future of the syn1588® Software Suite in syn1588® Release Roadmap

You can find a detailed description of the new logger in syn1588® Upcoming Changes


Stay healthy, stay safe,
Oregano Systems

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