Oregano Systems offers design services in the area of industrial embedded systems. This includes system design, PCB design, FPGA and ASIC design as well as low-level software design.
The experienced Oregano Systems' design team is used to deal with complex embedded systems design projects. For high-end digital systems we are using the latest, most powerful FPGAs from Intel and Xilinx. This includes dealing with engineering samples of these FPGAs as well. Hardware-based Ethernet (IP) packet processing with line speeds of up to 25 Gbit is one of our core competencies.
Every electronic system requires a PCB as well. Todays PCB projects are usually extremely complex. High-speed serial interfaces of 25 Gbit and more, wide parallel DDR4 memory structures running also at speeds of more than 1 GHz, power supplies that deliver 50A and more at voltages less than 1 V with accuracies of some 10 mV, power-up and power-down sequencing of all voltages under any condition, high pin count BGA devices and so on. It's challenging.
For PCB designs we are able to create extremely dense, complex high-speed boards and systems. This includes
- handling of wide DDR memory structures
- designing of complex power supply structures including power sequencing
- analog board level simulation
Read this article that briefly highlights a typical challenging PCB project. Check out how we managed 1500+ components on a single rigid-flex board implementing the fastest industrial line camera.
Test us! Send us your design requirements today!
If you need further information, please contact our support.
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+43 676 84 31 04 -200
+43 676 84 31 04 -300
Franzosengraben 8
1030 Vienna