All IP cores are available in two license models:


  • FPGA technology netlist license
  • source code license

Both license types require a single upfront license fee. There are no royalties nor project restrictions. Other licensing options are available upon request.



Oregano Systems offers IP cores supporting both versions of the IEEE1588 standard IEEE1588-2002 (aka V1) and IEEE1588-2008 (aka V2). There is an IP core suited for simple attaching to an existing processor that runs the required IEEE1588 stack (e.g. Oregano Systems‘ syn1588® PTP Stack) and there is a single chip solution requiring only an external Ethernet PHY device.


Typical Application

The Oregano Systems syn1588® PCIe NIC (PTP enhanced standard Ethernet network interface card) is a typical application of the syn1588® Clock IP cores. The syn1588® PCIe NIC combines the syn1588® Clock_M IP core with a PCIe interface and an Ethernet MAC in a single FPGA device suited for cost-effective, reliable industrial applications. It enables conventional PCs to utilize IEEE1588 protocol and clock synchronisation.


Application Notes

For a detailed comparison of the features of the syn1588® IP cores see the following application note:


!  IP Cores Licensing– Ordering & Support

More Information

For additional information on our syn1588® products or a detailed quotation please contact us.

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+43 676 84 31 04 -200
+43 676 84 31 04 -300


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1030 Vienna