On Tuesday December 10th the Lattice Developer Conference 2024 took place in San Jose/California. The event had been a hybrid event available both as live stream as well as in presence in San Jose. Oregano Systems presented there its brand new syn1588® 10G NIC. The syn1588® 10G NIC is a standard PCIe x1 10Gbit network interface card enhanced with dedicated timing functions required for high-accuracy PTP. This includes dedicated timing IOs, a jitter cleaner PLL and special high-stability oscillator options. The card is based on a Lattice Certus Pro NX device.
For more details, please check this web page: syn1588® 10G NIC
We demonstrated live a synchronization accuracy of 10ns. For this demo we used a 10Gbit PTP Grandmaster (precisely a Meinberg M1000 with IMS-PSX210) from Meinberg Funkuhren – the industry reference.
See this brief video from that demo: LDC24 Demo - Oregano Systems 10 Gbit High-Accuracy PTP Solution
You can also download the full presentation slide deck here: OreganoSystemsDevCon24.pdf
It was a great demonstration of the capabilities of Oregano Systems’ as well as Meinberg’s PTP solutions. The demo draw a lot of attention as 10 Gbit system performance without heatsinks and fans is unusual. This is the advantage using Lattice’ Certus Pro NX devices. Even Lattice CEO Ford Tanner visited our demo.
First prototypes of the syn1588® 10G NIC are expected for Q1/25; volume production will follow in Q2/25.