30 Sep 2013
ISPCS ’13: Best Academic Paper Award

Oregano Systems is proud to announce that our preferred research partner Center for Integrated Sensor Systems from the Danube University Krems received the Best Academic Paper Award at the ISPCS 2013. Their paper “Out-of-band Asymmetry Removal for High Accuracy Clock Synchronization in 100Base-TX” deals with the problem of dynamic asymmetries between two IEEE1588 nodes connected with a 100Base-TX copper connection. Oregano Systems congratulates the authors Thomas Bigler and Reinhard Exel.


The paper was published at the 2013 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication and was partly financed by the province of Lower Austria, the European Regional Development Fund, the FIT-IT project Ætas and Oregano Systems.

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